Which source code branch is needed?
You will have to be on one of the branches in my repo that is based on OpenPilot 0.5.9 or above.
Changes to OpenPilot Configuration File
The following options must be set to true in the OpenPilot Configuration File for the IC/CID integration to work:
use_tesla_gps = True use_tesla_map_data = True has_tesla_ic_integration = True # below is optional changes speedo from flying car to old non-ap gauge when EON is not connected; not implemented yet use_analog_when_no_eon = True
Download softPanda Executable
Dwnload the softPanda Executable and place it in /var/root/run
Download Language Strings File
Find and download the QtCar_xx.qm specific to your language (for example English is en) on both IC and CID and place it in /var/root/lang on both systems.
Changes on IC
DISCLAMER: Improper changes to IC or CID can result in the system (and thus your car) being rederend unusable. Potentially not even Tesla can revert some of the changes if done incorrectly. You are doing this at your own risk. You alone are ultimately responsible, not the creator of this site,, community, Tesla, or anyone else.
Add the following 4 lines at the top of your /var/etc/tesla.env. the language file should match the language set on your car and the file you downloaded above.
/bin/mount | /bin/grep -c /var/root/lang/QtCar >/dev/null || /bin/mount --bind /var/root/lang/QtCar_en.qm /usr/tesla/UI/bin/QtCar_en.qm QCPORT=":20201" export QCPORT
Changes on CID
DISCLAMER: Improper changes to IC or CID can result in the system (and thus your car) being rederend unusable. Potentially not even Tesla can revert some of the changes if done incorrectly. You are doing this at your own risk. You alone are ultimately responsible, not the creator of this site,, community, Tesla, or anyone else.
Add the following 4 lines at the top of your /var/etc/tesla.env. the language file should match the language set on your car and the file you downloaded above.
/bin/mount | /bin/grep -c /var/root/lang/QtCar >/dev/null || /bin/mount --bind /var/root/lang/QtCar_en.qm /usr/tesla/UI/bin/QtCar_en.qm QCPORT=":20201" export QCPORT
Startup Script
Place in “/var/spool/” and make executable
#!/bin/bash # mount /var/root/run on tmpfs to not wear down the eMMC flash chip SOFTPANDA_SOURCE=/var/spool SOFTPANDA_RUN=/var/root/run SOFTPANDA_ETC=/var/etc SOFTPANDALOCK=softPanda.lock SOFTPANDA=softPanda SHOULDRUN=0 mkdir -p $SOFTPANDA_RUN ISTMPFS=`/bin/mount | /bin/grep -c "$SOFTPANDA_RUN type tmpfs"` #check if lock file exists if [ ! -f $SOFTPANDA_ETC/$SOFTPANDALOCK ]; then # no file, we can run SHOULDRUN=1 else # we have file, check file age while ! test `find "$SOFTPANDA_ETC/$SOFTPANDALOCK" -mmin +10` do # file is old enough echo "File not old enough! Waiting;" sleep 60 done SHOULDRUN=1 fi if [ $ISTMPFS -eq 0 ]; then /bin/mount -t tmpfs -o size=10M,mode=0755 tmpfs $SOFTPANDA_RUN fi if [ $SHOULDRUN -eq 1 ] then touch $SOFTPANDA_ETC/$SOFTPANDALOCK echo "Set final GUI and DAS settings" sudo -a vapi/forceHasAutopilot=true sudo -a vapi/forceHasDriveOnNav=true sudo -a vapi/forceHasDriveOnNavMaps=true sdv GUI_autopilotAlwaysOn true sdv GUI_autosteerOnRequest true sdv GUI_autosteerDisabled false sdv GUI_accFromZero true sdv DAS_mapAvailability true sdv GUI_redLightStopSignOnRequest true sdv GUI_enableMapStops true sdv GUI_enableVisionStops true sdv GUI_enableFSDFunctions true sdv GUI_stopAndGo true sdv GUI_noaEverywhere true sdv DAS_navAvailable true sdv GUI_accFollowDistance 2 sdv GUI_accOvertakeOnRequest true sdv GUI_autopilotControlRequest 0 sdv FEATURE_dasDriveOnNavEnabled true sdv FEATURE_dasDriveOnNavMapsOkay true sdv VAPI_backupCameraCalibrated true sdv VAPI_fisheyeCameraCalibrated true sdv VAPI_lPillarCameraCalibrated true sdv VAPI_lRepeaterCameraCalibrated true sdv VAPI_mainCameraCalibrated true sdv VAPI_narrowCameraCalibrated true sdv VAPI_rPillarCameraCalibrated true sdv VAPI_rRepeaterCameraCalibrated true cp $SOFTPANDA_SOURCE/$SOFTPANDA $SOFTPANDA_RUN chmod 755 $SOFTPANDA_RUN/$SOFTPANDA /usr/local/bin/emit-reboot-cluster $SOFTPANDA_RUN/$SOFTPANDA -bridge 20201 -dasHw 1 -hBridge 31515 -includeParrot -includeLb -modifyDiState -forwardDebug -forwardUnique fi