Tinkla Buddy
From Tinkla: Tinkering with Tesla
Coming Soon
Tinkla Buddy is now in beta stage. Info coming soon!
Creating the SD card
- On Windows PCs you can use Win32DiskImager to create to burn the image to the SD card for your Tinkla Buddy.
- On Linux flavors (including Mac OS) you can just use the dd command.
dd if=tinkla_buddy.img of=/dev/dse
where tinkla_buddy.img is the name of the image you download v1.20 (built 03/18/2020) from this site and /dev/sde is the device corresponding to your SD card mounted on Linux. [MD5: a8fa3ffbd0fe3f232e0ecaa599f88506 tinklaBuddy-1.20-2020.03.18.img]
Note: the image file is very large (650+ Mb compressed) and will take some time to download. Also, depending on the speed of your SD card, will take a long time to burn.