SSH Into Your Device

From Tinkla: Tinkering with Tesla

SSH when device is running a version after 0.8.3

  1. You need a GitHub account. Make one if you don't already have one.
  2. Enable SSH on your comma two: Settings -> Network -> Enable SSH
  3. Enter your GitHub username for SSH: Settings -> Network -> SSH Keys (hit Remove and then Add if needed).
  4. Obtain the IP of your devices from Settings -> Network
  5. Ping the device address from your computer to make sure it is reachable.
  6. Under a Unix/Linux, macOS terminal or Windows 10 with OpenSSH, use the command:
ssh root@<IP address of comma two> -p 8022 -i <path to private github key>

for Comma two/EON Gold or

ssh root@<IP address of comma three> -p 8022 -i <path to private github key>

for Comma three.

If you assign a fixed IP through your router reservations, then you can configure ssh so you can ssh by just doing ssh eon. To do so, add the following lines to your ~/.ssh/config file:

Host eon   
 HostName <IP address of comma two>
 Port 8022
 IdentityFile <path to private github key>
 StrictHostKeyChecking no

For more info visit the comma wiki

SSH when devices is running a version before 0.8.3

  1. Download the private key from the openpilot repo. Save the key file as a text file and name it something like key.pem.
  2. Open a terminal
  3. Run chmod 600 key.pem (otherwise, the system will think the text file is not safe).
  4. Get the IP address of your comma two from Settings > WiFi > Open WiFi Settings > More Options > Options (top right icon) > Advanced (please make sure your comma two and your computer connect to the same WiFi).
  5. Ping the device address from your computer to make sure it is reachable.
  6. Under a Unix/Linux, macOS terminal or Windows 10 with OpenSSH, use the command:
ssh root@<IP address of comma two> -p 8022 -i key.pem