Sponsor my research

Why sponsor this project?
The research needed to continuously update and evolve the OpenPilot project for Tesla requires a lot more than just my time (which I am donating for free). It requires acquiring new hardware (like Comma three, ECUs to test on, upgrading Woodla, harnesses and parts for them, research and design costs for new devices, etc.), renting specific type vehicles to debug certain features (like an MS AP2, or an MX, or an M3), extensive testing, hosting services for our servers, etc. So the goal is to cover these costs and be able to accelerate some of the new components I would bring to the community (newer hardware for Tinkla Buddy with more features, new capabilities for OP, addition of new features for preAP, etc).
Ways to sponsor this project
I have setup a sponsors option through GitHub. You can access it at https://github.com/sponsors/BogGyver. There you can opt to either sponsor with a one time ammount or a reocurring monthly amount. Every contribution counts.